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Practice FAQs

Where are practices held?

At the Rosemeade Rainforest Aquatic Complex
(1334 E Rosemeade Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75007).

How long is the CARS swim season?

Our season extends from mid-May through mid/end of July.

When are practices held?

Practice sessions will be held in the evenings, then switches to mornings in June. A practice schedule is posted on our website here.

Is attendance at practices mandatory?

CARS does not take “roll call” during practices sessions and attendance is not mandatory. However, we encourage swimmers to attend as many practices as their schedule will allow simply because the more a swimmer trains, the more that they will improve. Most families have some summer plans that interfere with practices, and this is completely understandable. You do not need to notify CARS or your swimmer’s coach if they are going to miss a practice(s).

What is the format of practice sessions?

Group practice sessions are based on the age of swimmers on June 1st. Swim groups include the following ages: 8 years and under, 9-10 years, 11-12 years and 13 years and older.

How are the swimmers arranged in each lane?

The abilities of swimmers are evaluated early in the season, and swimmers are placed in lanes with other swimmers of similar abilities. Each coach will tailor their instruction based on the abilities of swimmers assigned to their lanes.

What happens if my swimmer feels sick during practices?

Some swimmers may experience fatigue during practices, especially early in the season. Swimmers should notify their coach if they feel sick during practices and will be allowed to rest near the pool. The swimmer will determine if and when they feel like returning to the pool to continue practicing.


Who is my swimmer’s coach?

Coach Nina is the head coach of CARS. The bios for coaches are included on our website. Your swimmer’s coach will be determined by Coach Nina. Coaches are assigned swimmers based on their abilities. A swimmer may have more than one coach during the season, depending on their progression.

Can I request a certain coach for my swimmer?

CARS does not accept requests for coaches primarily because swimmers need to be evenly distributed among our coaches and swim lanes, and are grouped based on their abilities and progress.

Can I have the coaches’ cell phone numbers and email addresses?

We do not provide the phone numbers and email addresses of coaches for privacy purposes. If you need to contact a coach with a particular question or request, you are encouraged to contact them through email

When can I speak with my swimmer’s coach?

Because our practice sessions are scheduled without any breaks between sessions, we discourage parents from interacting with coaches during practices. If you need to speak with a coach, you may do so after all practices have ended. Most coaches have other obligations after CARS practice sessions end, so please be considerate of their time. If you have a particular question of a coach, you may send an email and your information will be forwarded to the appropriate coach.

To whom do I speak with if my swimmer has an issue with a particular coach?

We place high standards on our coaches regarding the instruction and treatment of swimmers. Each coach acknowledges that they will follow a Code of Conduct during our season. In an effort to resolve any issues that you or your swimmer may have with a coach, we encourage you to contact the Board President (Matthew Irby) who will then discuss the issue with the coach.

Pool Etiquette

Where do parents sit during practices?

Parents are asked to sit on the west side of the facility (the area in which you enter from). 

Can I bring my children to practices even if they are not swimming?

Parents are welcome to bring their children to the pool even if they are not participating in our program. However, parents must maintain control of their children at all times due to safety hazards including slippery surfaces and open water, and may be asked to leave if there are issues. Please refer to the parental expectations.

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Need Help?

If you run into any problems please send an email to [email protected].

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